
孙华银/Prof. Huayin SUN



 孙华银,男,汉,江苏盱眙,19829月生,中共党员,博士(在读),教授,硕士研究生导师,土木建筑工程学院党委副书记(主持工作)。20056月毕业于西北农林科技大学 ,获工学学士学位;20086月毕业于西北农林科技大学,获工学硕士学位。

      主要担任专业导论 、土木工程施工、工程项目管理等课程教学工作,主持重庆市级教改项目3项,校级质量工程1项,教改项目3项,获校级教学成果三等奖2项,指导国家级大学生创新创业项目2项,指导学生获国家级学科竞赛等级奖20余项,主研市级一流课程1门、课程思政示范课程1门。主要从事建筑材料、工程防灾减灾等领域研究工作,主持教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目、重庆市科协科技项目、重庆市教育规划项目等省部级科研项目6项,主持校级科研创新平台1项,横向课题20余项,项目经费累计1000万元以上,获重庆市土木建筑学会优秀科技项目一等奖,发表相关SCIEI论文10余篇,参编教材2部,出版专著1部。获的长江师范学院评“优秀教师”荣誉称号(2016年);兼任涪陵水利学会 副会长,重庆市土木建筑学会、重庆力学学会、涪陵区建筑业协会等行业学会(协会)理事。

² Basic Information:

Name: Huayin Sun    Birth date: Sept 15, 1982    E-mail: sunhuayin123@163.com

Academic Degree: Ph.D     Research Field: Durability of building materials & Engineering disaster prevention and reduction 

² Education Experience:

Ø 2021.09-Now, Ph.D, College of River and Ocean Engineering , Chongqing Jiaotong University.

Ø 2005.09-2008.06,  Master , College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University.

Ø 2001.09-2005.06, Bachelor, College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest A&F University.

² Work Experience:

² 2024.01-Now, Professor, School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Yangtze Normal University.

² 2016.01-2024.01, Associate Professor, School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Yangtze Normal University.

² 2012.05-2015.12, Lecturer, School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Yangtze Normal University.

² 2008.07-2012.05, EngineerChongqing Water Resources and Electric Power Building Survey, Design and Research Institute.

² Scientific Research Situation:

Part time master's supervisor at Chongqing Three Gorges University, serving as a director of the Chongqing Civil Engineering and Architecture Society and vice president of the Fuling District Water Conservancy Society. As a technology envoy, he has provided professional technical services to enterprises such as Chongqing Huada Engineering Management Co., Ltd. for a long time. Undertake undergraduate courses such as civil engineering construction and engineering project management, jointly cultivate one master's student, lead 5 industry university research collaborative education projects of the Ministry of Education, 2 education reform projects of the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, and guide students to obtain 2 national level innovation and entrepreneurship projects. Hosted 7 provincial-level and above scientific research projects, 17 horizontal projects, with a cumulative project budget of over 10 million yuan, won the first prize of Excellent Science and Technology Project of Chongqing Civil Engineering and Architecture Society, published 16 academic papers as the first author or corresponding author in domestic and foreign journals, authorized 1 invention patent, and published 1 academic monograph.

版权所有 土木建筑工程学院