刘园圆/Dr. Yuanyuan LIU
发布人:admin  发布时间:2020-07-14   浏览次数:5070




主要担任工程招投标与合同管理标书制作软件实训等课程,主要从事矿物材料及新型建筑胶凝材料领域研究工作,已发表相关论文18篇,其中第一作者论文7篇,主持教委科学技术研究项目1项,企业横向科研项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目1项,省部级基金项目1项。Structural ConcreteSeparation Science and TechnologyPhysicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing等国际期刊审稿人。


    [1] Yuanyuan Liu, Shaomin Lei, Teng Huang, Mengjiao Ji, Yang Li, Yanming Fan. Research on mineralogy and flotation for coal-series kaolin. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 136:37-42. (SCI, IF=3.101)

    [2] Yuanyuan Liu, Shaomin Lei, Min lin, Yang Li, Zhao Ye, Yanming Fan.Assessment of pozzolanic activity of calcined coal-series kaolin. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 143:159-167. (SCI, IF=3.101)

    [3] Yuanyuan Liu, Shaomin Lei, Min Lin, Zhangjie Xia, Zhenyu Pei, Bo Li. Influence of calcined coal–series kaolin fineness on properties of cement paste and mortar.Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 171: 558-565. (SCI, IF=3.169)

    [4] Yuanyuan Liu, Shaomin Lei, Yang Li, Feixiang Xie, Bo Li. Influence of Replacement Level of Coal-series Kaolin on Hydration of Ordinary Portland Cement by X-ray Diffraction/Rietveld Method[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2019, 34(003):614-621. (SCI, IF= 0.447)

    [5] 雷绍民, 刘园圆, 黄腾, 姬梦姣, 刘莫愁, 尹旭东. 低品位煤系高岭土浮选除铁试验研究[J]. 非金属矿, 2015(2):49-52. (导师第一作者)

    [6] 刘园圆,雷绍民, 赵亮,. 偏高岭土水泥基材料的水化性能与微观结构[J]. 非金属矿, 2019(5):31-34.


    [1] Teng Huang, Shaomin Lei, Yuanyuan Liu, Mengjiao Ji, Yanming Fan. Beneficiation and influencing factors of coal-series kaolin for the reduction of COD. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 138:34-39. (SCI, IF=3.101)

    [2] Liang Li, Shaomin Lei, Yuanyuan Liu, Huihua Luo. Extraction and reaction mechanism of potassium from associated phosphorus and potassium ore. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science), 2016, 31(6):1255-1260. (SCI, IF= 0.447)

    [3] Teng Huang, Shaomin Lei, Mochou Liu, Mengjiao Ji, Yuanyuan Liu, Xudong Yin, Yongjun Peng. Dry separation of iron minerals from low-grade coal-series kaolin. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science), 2015, 30(5):935-940. (SCI, IF= 0.447)

    [4] Min Lin, Zhenyu Pei, Shaomin Lei, Yuanyuan Liu, Zhangjie Xia, Feixiang, Xie. Trace muscovite dissolution separation from vein quartz by elevated temperature and pressure acid leaching using sulphuric acid and ammonia chloride solutions. Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2018, 54(2):448–458. (SCI, IF= 0.901)

    [5] Min Lin, Zhenyu Pei, Yuanyuan Liu, Zhangjie Xia, Kang Xiong, Shaomin Lei, Enwen Wang. High-efficiency trace Na extraction from crystal quartz ore used for fused silica - A pretreatment technology. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2017, 24(10):1075-1086. (SCI, IF= 0.943)

    [6] Teng Huang, Shaomin, Lei, Mengjiao Ji, Yuanyuan Liu, Yanming Fan. Density Functional Theory Study of Oxygen Atom Adsorption on Different Surfaces of Pyrite. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science), 2017, 32 (6) :1464-1469 (SCI, IF= 0.447)

    [7] Min Lin, Shaomin Lei, Zhenyu Pei, Yuanyuan Liu, Zhangjie Xia, Feixiang Xie. Application of hydrometallurgy techniques in quartz processing and purification: A review. Metallurgical Research & Technology. (SCI, IF= 0.414)

    [8] 雷绍民, 李阳, 刘园圆, 张海亮, 樊艳明. 偏高岭土活性铝的浸出技术及机理[J]. 非金属矿, 2016, 39(2):75-78.

    [9] 姬梦姣, 雷绍民, 黄腾,刘莫愁, 刘园圆, 尹旭东. 低品位煤系高岭土焙烧脱除碳质物实验研究[J]. 无机盐工业, 2015, 47(11):53-56.

    [10] 雷绍民, 谢飞翔, 林敏, 刘园圆, 叶昭. 石英提纯工业含氟废水净化试验研究[J]. 非金属矿, 2017, 40(2):24-26.

    [11] 姬梦姣, 黄腾, 刘莫愁, 刘园圆. 黄铁矿作芬顿催化剂对孔雀石绿脱色的影响[J]. 金属矿山, 2015, 44(7):152-154.

    [12] 雷绍民, 叶昭, 刘园圆, 王琦, 樊艳明. 偏高岭土活性铝浸出试验研究[J]. 非金属矿, 2016, 39(5):76-78.